July 27, 2024

To Aru Shoujo to Sono Shinyu no Nichijo

Author: Otaku de Neet


Edited 5/2020: LOL after 3 years, I realized how childish the way I translate things before OTL

“Ne~e ne, Saffron, did you know? In this country, Ouji-sama seems to have lived his life as a girl in another house until he reached adulthood. It seems that they did this to avoid him from being assassinated.”

My friend used her usual calm tone to reply to my words.

“I know it is a common practice among the nobility in this country.”

Beautiful black hair, green eyes shined with intelligence, slightly slender and supple body that brought envy from others, and delicate, fair skin. She was really a beautiful woman who can bring a sigh to whoever sees it. This was my best friend. Saffron.

However, her usual face, which lacked any expression, did not look shocked from hearing my story.

“What the heck, I thought it was such an amazing thing.”

I was feeling disappointed as I sighed. When I was a small child, I had lived in another country; therefore, there were many things that I do not know about this country. Even so, every single time, Saffron did not show any surprise from whatever tidbits I told her about.

I quickly regrouped myself as I continued to talk to Saffron brightly.

“Ne~e, ne what kind of person is the current Ouji-sama? Does he look like a girl?”

The age of the Ouji-sama should be the same as the both of us. In another year, both of us were going to become an adult. My breast has been growing up a bit, though my height was still on the shorter side. In the country, my best friend is quite tall… though her breast seemed to be pretty modest. I never said it with my mouth, but I wonder if she was concerned about it.

Don’t worry, there were still many possibilities for it to grow more in the future!

The prince was already a young man rather than a boy. I wonder if it was still possible for him to wear woman clothing. Nevertheless, since both King and the Queen were lovely, I think there was nothing to be worried about. In fact, I think it will suit him well.

My imagination began to run wildly.

“Not interested in it.”

My best friend replied flatly.

“E~. Boring.”

I was angry with my best friend’s bad attitude.

“Come on, the next lesson is starting, let’s go back to the classroom.”

Though my best friend said so, I was still in a bad mood. Don’t think that I will follow what you said so quickly.

“You have to hold my hand.”

Saffron looks troubled with my word. Recently, it was hard for me to get her to hold my hand as we walked. Only once in a while did we get to walk hand in hand.

But today, I will not forgive her until she held my hand.

I stubbornly sat down and did not move. However, my hand was aimed towards my best friend.

Quickly grabbed it, grabbed it now-.

“Mo, I just cannot win against you…”

Looking at me, Saffron sighed as she held my hand…

U~e, I did it.

As my mood began to recover, I started walking hand in hand with my best friend.

“What is this?”

“What is wrong?”


I felt that my best friend’s hand is getting bigger than before. It completely wrapped over my hand. Her hand was so beautiful with long fingers, and it suited her very well.

But girls were supposed to be delicate; therefore, such things might become her complex over her own appearance. Hence I did not dare to speak aloud about it.

“Mou, what is it?”

“It is nothing. Hey.”

I held my best friend’s hand tightly as both of us walked together to the classroom.


“Ne~e ne, look at this!”

I was in a good mood as I showed my best friend what I got in my hand.

“What is this?”

Towards my best friend who shook her head, I raised it and told her a little proudly

“Fuffuffu, I have received a love letter.”

I saw it in the shoebox early this morning. Ahem, with all my might, I raised my face as I bend backward (Like this, perhaps). However, with one look from my best friend, I instantly restored my usual posture. I reflexively began to move.

“Wha- what are you looking at?”

My best friend scowled at me with a terrible face.


The voice that I usually thought was cool and husky had gone further lower. The dose was so low that it was pretty scary…

It seemed that it was true that a beautiful person looked scary when angered.

“Why do you look so angry?”

Did I do something that made her felt angry? Perhaps it was a bad thing for me to do a little bragging. But, for a person as beautiful as Saffron, who was definitely able to get a marriage proposal and invitation for picking and choosing, she should not be angry at all with me.

“I am not angry at all; changing the subject, what are going to do with that?”

I will tell you that currently my best friend is looking at me with a smiling face. But, I did not feel that there was anything that I could laugh about it. Or was this the first time for my expressionless friend to smile so openly (though it was only her face)?

The atmosphere seemed to become strange at the moment. But I also did not want to be rude.

“Well, I will leave this matter alone for the time being.”

Actually, I wanted to share this kind of love story with my best friend. My best friend was so beautiful, but I never heard of any love rumors related to her. Maybe she had been hiding it from everyone else. So far, I have never had this type of conversation with her.

However, we can bond through discussing the girls’ trouble. After all, having one or two love stories a part of the youth rites.

“Hmm, where is it?”

When I tried to open the letter, my best friend watched it intently.

Oo, surprisingly interested in this?

Even though I was wondering if she hates love story based on her previous attitude, this situation might lead to something unexpected.

I glanced at my best friend who was behind my back, staring at the letter as I opened it. My mood instantly restored.

“Etto, what is it, what is it. From before, I like your cute and bright self, which is similar to the dandelion. I will be waiting for you at the back building of the west dormitory after school. Please give me your answer there. Because eee-`”

I was feeling slightly bashful reading the words in that letter that when I turned to face my best friend, I could not help but jumped a little.

Because she had a scary face again.

“Wha- wha-wha- what is wrong?”


Is it really so? However, just now, there seems to be something particular. Hmm, was it something that I don’t understand? Or was it only in my mind? Yeah, it must be.

“So what are you going to do?”

My best friend spoke to me as she holds her arm. For a moment, she was furrowing her brow. However, the content of our conversation does not seem to be the so-called love stories.

Un, it must be. The strategies for me to have a conversation about our love story with my best friend was succeeded.

“For the time being, let’s meet him.”

Though I did not really know that person well, I can’t really refuse to meet him. For the sake of having this kind of conversation with my best friend in the future, it is unknown if I will be able to experience this kind of love story again. So, it was like killing two birds with one stone.

As soon as I answered, my best friend seemed to release cold air from inside her, but surely it was only in my mind. Because it was in my mind twice, therefore what happens twice will happen thrice.

“Eee~ I’m looking forwards to after school.”

After school ended, and as soon as I finished with this love letter business, I will use this setting as a seed for my conversation with Saffron. Maybe as we talked about it, I will be able to learn about those things that I do not know about her.

As I thought about that, I could not help but look forwards to the end of the school period.

I was waiting at the back of the west dormitory building as soon as the school ended. I had been waiting for half an hour, but still, no one came. What appeared before me was my best friend..

“A-re, Saffron?”

I asked her to wait for me at the school gate, but I wondered if she came to pick me up thinking that it was getting late.

“It seems like he did not come.”

My best friend stated, so I nodded.

“Well, I guess it was a joke… It was so rude.”

I never did consider this as a disappointment, but I have been made to wait. I was furious about this. The time that I should use to spend with my best friend had been decreased. Thinking of that makes me feel annoyed.


As soon as I saw my best friend’s face, such thought blew away.

“What’s wrong? That…”

On my best friend’s beautiful face, there was seemed to be a blue bruise. What a thing to do to this artwork-like face, which should be considered as a national treasure! Who committed such violence? I will never forgive those people.

“It is fine, I only hit it a bit.”

My best friend moved her head, but it cannot be that trivial. On that white face, the purple-blue bruise was painfully spreading.

“I do not think that it is fine. For now, let’s treat it anyway!”

I pulled my best friend’s hand and ran into the dormitory. If there were any traces left from this, I did not think that I will be able to face my best friend’s mother in the future.

Mou, the things about that love letter or whatever left of it was no longer relevant, for now, let’s hurry and entered the dormitory.

My best friend somehow looked happy, but maybe that was my mind playing a trick with me for the fourth time?


“Ne~e ne, since we are here, let’s go for a swim!”


Towards my word, my best friend showed her scowling face with all her might. I wondered if I had said something weird for her to do that. I scratched my head.

Today was a holiday. The two of us had set out to the grassland spring, which was a bit far off from the academy. My best friend’s hobby was quite manly as she enjoyed horseback riding. Since she was the long-awaited beauty, with her graceful smile, among our social circle, she might be able to catch the interest of that rumored Ouji-sama. However, many things did not run so smoothly in this world.

No, if you are as beautiful as my best friend, I think she might be able to capture that Ouji-sama, no doubt.

I also tried to learn horseback riding since it was my best friend’s hobby, but it seemed that I did not have any talent for it. I had been rescued by my best friend that one time when I was thrown off from the horse that I rode. Since then, my best friend forbid me from practicing it ever again.

Since it could not be helped, I had put my saddle on the same horse that my best friend would ride on. My best friend’s ways of handling the horse were so awesome and amazing that she seemed more reliable than my own father.

We departed for this trip together. However, as the sun shone brightly, it started to get a bit hotter. The fountain’s water looks so pretty that I thought it will be quite pleasant to swim there, therefore my earlier suggestion.

“What are you going to do about your bathing suit?”

So my best friend told me, I could not help but nod. My best friend was wearing a riding habit while I was wearing a dress. By the way, I thought of wearing a riding habit earlier, but Saffron told me that I could wear my dress as it is. Ma, it’s okay, but…

Saffron, who was wearing a riding habit, appeared so cool that she looked like a manly woman (Danso). Well, leaving that thing aside, I answered my best friend’s question clearly.

“We can always use our underwear, can’t we?”

“Absolutely cannot!’

It was rare for me to be opposed in a firm tone that my mouth could not help but turned sour.

“Well, why not? It is so hot today. Won’t it be pleasant to swim around? Besides that, this place is quite far away from the city so that no one will see us. What’s more, the sun also shines brightly, so our wet underwear will dry soon enough.”

“No means, no! This is not something that the daughter of a noble house should do~.”

Even so, Saffron also learned about horseback riding, swordsmanship, and so on….

I had been with Saffron for a long time. However, I noticed that both of us had never played in the water before. The more I was forbidden from doing something, the more reason I insisted on it.

“Okay, then I will swim alone.”

If my best friend saw me having fun, maybe she would be tempted to join me as well.

I dare think so. So I began unbuttoning my dress one by one so that I can use my underwear for swimming. Nevertheless…


Saffron grasped my hand and stopped my action.

“What are you doing?”

Mu~u, why are you stopping me, my best friend!

“I already told you no, right~”

That was because Saffron did not want to wear underwear in public, but I did not care a bit about it. I wanted to take a pleasant swim and then tempting my best friend to join me playing in the water.

Well, in a sense, it was entirely related.

“Let me go.”

I tried taking my clothes off as I stared at my best friend.

Gugugu (stare)

Despite that, my hand could not move at all. From that beautiful thin body, where did that strength came from….? As I tried to resist more, her grip became stronger and stronger.

“It’s hurt.”

The pain began to run from my wrist that I could not help but shout. Hearing that, my best friend released her hand from me.


Then, weirdly she apologized in panic.

When I look at my free wrist, it seemed that it had turned a bit red.

“It’s okay.”

I answered as I blew over my wrist with teary eyes. My best friend was surprisingly so strong. I wonder if it was due to her manly hobby even though she possessed such fragile appearances. It seemed that her hobby was quite a tough one.

It was okay if you are unwilling to take your clothes off, but what are you doing preventing me from taking off my own?

Could it be….?

Suddenly a feeling flashed in my heart.

“Maybe Saffron.”


From my serious tone, Saffron also replied with a somewhat serious expression.

“Did you really mind having a small breast?”

Rather than unwilling to take a bath herself, she was most reluctant to see me taking one myself. I wonder if it was because she was worried about her own small breast.

Saffron did not give any response to my inquiries. I took Saffron’s hand and bring it to my chest.

“You did not have to worry much. Even I did not have a big one; it is not much different than yours.”

Even though I have said that it has grown up a bit, truthfully, my breast was still smaller than the average.

I tried not to talk about this topic which brought so much insecurity to girls. However, to avoid many complexes in the future, for this moment, it was vital for me to talk about it firmly.

Looking at Saffron, she suddenly turned rigid while her face turned red, and her mouth kept opening and closing. It was unusual for her to look this upset.

This was… a bull’s eye!

I continued to speak as I pressed my best friend’s hand to my chest more tightly.

“Look, there is no difference, right? Because the value of a girl is not related to their chest. Saffron is a wonderful girl. You did not have to worry about such things at all.”

At the end of my word, my best friend bounced back from her shocked state and at the same time cried out with a red face as she tried to withdraw her hand from my chest immediately.

“It is nothing like that.”

“Un, un, I understand.”

It was also the role of a best friend to accept the obstinacy of her partner. I am a lady, so I would not do anything unrefined. That’s why I nodded with a composed expression.

Then, my best friend suddenly gripped my shoulder as she scowled at me with a terrible expression; it seemed that our position had been reversed at the moment. The composure aura that I had earlier completely blown off due to the pressure emitted by my best friend.

“Did you do this kind of things with another man?”

“What are you talking about?”

My best friend shouted at me with a threatening attitude, though I do not understand why she behaved like this… While I was being stunned halfway, I asked her back for confirmation.

“Trying to remove your own clothes, putting his hand on your breast!”

“Un, un. Of course, I will never do that.”

There was no way that I will do such things. It was because my partner was a girl, and more importantly, she was my best friend, Saffron. So, do not get me wrong.

I really want to say that, but I was too scared to refute.

“Let’s go home already.”

Towards my best friend who was ready to leave, I instinctively speak out.

“Then, what about the bath?”

She stared at me in silence. After this, for a while, the topic of the bath will not be discussed anymore. It was indeed a blunder to touch on the subject of one’s breast.

While thinking so, I leaned my back into my best friend and rode the horse as the two of us returned to the dormitory.


“Ne~e ne, when is the firework going to start?”

“Maybe in just a minute.”

Today I was visiting the festival with Saffron. It was the festival of celebrating the birth of a god, which was known as Kami-sama. At the end of the festival, there were usually firework performances.

We brought some sweet beforehand from the stalls. Currently, the two of us were sitting on a nice hill while waiting for the firework.

“In just a while, we will become an adult.”

We will soon graduate from the school and at the same time reach the age of an adult. The daughter of a noble will usually be sent off for marriage somewhere as soon as they reach adulthood. In my case, there was still no marriage proposal in sight, though.

How about Saffron? Right now, she had not told me much. But for a beautiful Saffron, she must have received enough courtship from others, right?

Though Saffron and I were good friends, to tell the truth, I did not know much about her house or her family. However, this type of mysteriousness was also part of my best friend’s charm.

“Marriage, huh…”

Though my age was approaching adulthood, however, the reality does not seem to hit me yet.

“What do you think if both of us are getting married?”

I had been with Saffron for a long time now. However, once I get married, I might not spend my time with her as I used to be. When I think about it, I could not help but felt depressed.

“It might not be possible for us to stay together as much…”

My best friend was more taciturn than the usual today. But I kept talking because I knew she was listening to it properly.

“Do you think that Saffron and I can have a wonderful marriage?”

“Do you want to get married?”

“Un, I still did not know about it. However, if you get to have a wonderful marriage, isn’t it good?”

Saffron will surely meet a wonderful person. She was such a beautiful, gentle, and attractive person. So I wanted a wonderful person to stand next to my best friend. However, it seemed that there was a burdened feeling inside my heart.

And then.

“I wish for a gentle person.”

I hope that the gentle person would not be angry with me for going out to see Saffron every day.

To marry that kind of person will be good for me.

My best friend did not give me any reply towards my thought on my future husband. Maybe she did not like to discuss this type of story.

Actually, I did not want to think much about this because I might someday be separated from Saffron.

While I am thinking about it, suddenly the firework started.

“By the way, did you know? For lovers who kiss during the last firework, they will be bound together, forever.”

A political marriage was not something unfamiliar concerning the union between the aristocratic families. But, if you were able to marry your lovers, it might bring you much more happiness. Right now, with my best friend by my side, I have my lifetime partner.

“Is that so?”

Within that soft reply, the joy seems to slowly boiled up.

“Eh, you did not know? It seems that I finally taught Saffron something that she did not know about.”

Since the day I have met my best friend, it had always been me who was being taught by her. It seems that today is finally the day where I can explain something to Saffron,

That was quite nice.

“It is a beautiful firework.”

“You are right.”

The firework which soared into the night sky, leaving behind the afterglow of various colours before melting into the dark night sky.

And then another big firework began to dye the night sky.

“Ah, it is the last firework.”

When I tried to tell Saffron about the last firework, my lips were blocked by something. With surprise in my eyes, I could see my best friend’s face, and the light of the firework illuminated the night sky.

As the fireworks went out, the surrounding area began to regain its silence.

“Did you kiss me, just now…?”


My best friend’s answer was so clear, though her voice trembled a bit.

“Is that so…”

I cannot find anything to say except that as I nodded with a stupid voice.

I was kissed… My best friend…

Maybe this was….

“Is this your wish so that we will be able to stay together, forever?”

I was in a good mood as I found my answer. The feeling of weariness that came from the approaching graduation and adulthood began to disappear.

“That’s right. Even if I can’t have a boyfriend, I can still be together with my best friend.”

The feeling of wanting to stay together. I did not even have to get worried about having a lover. I am glad that my best friend had executed the kiss as a part of a good luck charm so that the two of us can stay together forever.

With a face which was tinged with red, my best friend said in astonishment.

“We did not have to be a best friend, though.”

There was no mistake that she was currently embarrassed. Because she wanted to stay with me, she kissed me. For my best friend, who always looked calm, this might be embarrassing her.

Unlike my best friend, my sulking face only looked childishly cute.

Fuffuffu, a loving one.

“Mou, don’t be shy. No matter who I met, you will be my best friend. No, the greatest best friend.”

While grasping her red cheek, I held her hand.

“If my future marriage prospect did not let me meet Saffron every day, I will kick him away.”

“No, that will be a big problem…”

“Eh, what is it?”

Engagement aside, I will refuse all of it if I did not get to stay with my best friend, and that was my current feeling.

“You will understand that in a while.”

“Eh, what that is?”

“I will not tell you now.”

My best friend did not give me any answer. However, it is okay; both of us are still here. She held my hand with her slightly bigger hand as I gazed over the night sky where the fireworks had vanished.

“Yeah, let’s stay together, forever.”

The End

TL: How is it? cute huh.. Though I wish there is some sequel about this. (ᗒᗨᗕ)

This short story is relatively easy for me to translate so I managed to publish it early. Just treat it as a commemoration for this new site._(┐「ε:)_♡

Until next time, ja ne~ ♪v(‘∇’*)⌒☆

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0 thoughts on “To Aru Shoujo to Sono Shinyu no Nichijo

  1. It’s frustrating that Saffron didn’t do the ‘reveal’. I was so waiting and expecting for it!!!
    Anyways, thanks for the story~~~

  2. Thanks for the translation! Really cute! Lol is her switch of pronouns at the end intentional? It was obvious since the beginning but did she figure it out?

  3. Really cute! Well, I almost got burned by the sweetness.!
    This made my day brighter~ 🙂

    — Thanks for the short story~ ^^

  4. What a cute short story ahhhh 😀 such good friends haha~
    Really does make you wish to see her reaction though but the end was still very adorable.

    Thanks for translating this cute lil story :D!

  5. thanks—-!
    kyaa, that was cute! the poor girl who didn’t know that her best friend is a guy….lol! ayy, saffron! i saw your jealousy acting up, huhu! well, they are getting their happily ever after, huh! nice—-! our dear heroine is very dense, however….rofl!

  6. Really good short story, I really liked it.

    About the translation, there are a couple of problems but there are minor, like using past tense on some parts where using present would be better (“Did he looks like a girl?” instead of “Does he looks like a gir?” or “Did he looked like a girl?”) and some improper uses of pronoms (“King and the Queen is” instead of “King and the Queen are”) and other small details (“I think it will suits him well” should be “I think it will suit him well” and there is a missing (.) at the end of that sentence)

  7. Me:Kyaaaaaaaaa!
    Story: doesn’t have any consciousness and thus cannot reply
    Me: breathing heavily because I kyaa-ed too long
    Me: continues kyaa-ing

  8. Will the kingdom really be ok with a queen that free and simple minded?
    Well, it’s a cute little story, thanks for taking your time so that we can enjoy it too.

  9. I don’t understand how this is a nice story. I mean he is borderline yandere while only being a best friend, doesn’t even tell his best friend about anything including his gender. If I was her and he confessed he was a guy, after doing all that, there would be no way I would still want to be with him.

  10. Thx for the translation?
    Despite that, my hand could not move at all. From that beautiful thin body, where did that strength came from….?
    It should be “Despite that, my hand could not move at all. From that beautiful thin body, where did that strength come* from….?”

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