October 22, 2024

Akuyaku Reijō ttenani o Sureba Yoi nda kke? Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Engagement?

RAW: http://ncode.syosetu.com/n4143dc/7/

Author: Soy

Edited by: Sleepycatz

It has been four years since I regained my previous life’s memories.

I have turned 10 years old.

One day, my father, the Prime Minister, returned home with a serious look on his face.

“Otou-sama, Welcome ho….. Are you okay?”

“Will you come to the study with me? My angel.”

“Can we also come too?’

“…..A~, come inside.”

My worrywart big brother, as well as Yard, entered Father’s study together with me.

“Cardinal’s engagement has been decided.”

The atmosphere within the room began to freeze.

Finally, the first development of the story occurred.

“Cardy is only 10 years old! What have you been thinking?”

“I also wanted to kill His Highness the King, you know….”

Father held his head.

F-Father, you must never kill the King!

“The King?”

“Because it has been decided that Cardinal will become the Prince’s fiancée.”

“The Prince…Let’s kill him!”

“I seconded that!!”

Father and big brother started to talk about some dangerous matter.

“Otou-sama, Oni-sama. I am fine with that.”


“If I were to marry the Prince, I could contribute to the country and make it a better place like our territory. Besides that, marriage is a duty that all noble ladies must fulfil.”

For the sake of finding allies, I have been working hard in improving our territory for the last four years.

Our territory was located in a rural area. Hence, there was only a small population residing within it.

The memory of my previous life came in handy.

When I was studying in the university previously, I majored in agriculture, focusing on a rice plantation.

That’s why, as a researcher of a pharmaceutical company, my only assignment was to find a way to improve the crop through the use of improved technology.

Anyway, back to the story, the condition of the people in our territory was bad.

This was the reason why I have been providing medicine to them for free.

Anyway, I don’t want to make those noble who act like wolves in sheep’s clothing to be my allies.

I believed that when I am in a pinch later, the people of our fief will surely shelter me in the end.

[Please read at the original website or you can at least support me with some ko-fi]


“Cardinal, no, my angel, if you are unwilling, I will do something about it.”

“I am okay. It is an honour to be engaged to the Prince.”

I looked at my big brother, who had a vexing expression on his face.

“For that guy, Cardy will have to….”

That guy?

What kind of person is the Prince?

The classic Ouji-sama type?

Or is it the “not willing to kill even an insect” gentle kind of prince?

While holding such doubt, I attended the engagement ceremony held at the Royal Palace on the next day.


“When I heard that she was the little sister of Vertemic, I expect her to be as beautiful as her brother! I do not want to get engaged to this ugly creature!!”

Let’s kill this guy.

Otou-sama, Onii-sama, I seconded your previous opinion!

Both the King and Queen began to turn pale.

Father and big brother’s face began to twitch, whereas Yard started to cry.

Around us, there were important officials of the country who had also brought their sons along.

Everyone looked stunned at the display in front of them.

“If you really want to get engaged to me, please change your unpleasant hair that looked like it had been stained with blood into a colour similar to your older brother immediately!”

My patience had already reached its limit.

I smiled at both my father and big brother before turning and raise my hand high.

“Your Highness, the King. Whatever words that I am going to utter from now on is merely my own will and has nothing to do with my family, so please consider that.”

“……I understand.”

When I received permission from the King, I approached the Prince with a smile and said.

“I am also going to tell you. Whatever remarks that I am going to say are from my own will and has nothing to do with my family at all.”

“So what!!”

“You are truly like a stupid Prince, and from here on, I would like to be excused from my engagement to you!”

I said it so chicly that a heart-mark might as well be attached at the end of the sentence.

The inside of the assembly hall apparently had gone silent.

“If you cannot understand the meaning of political marriage, you are truly an idiotic Prince. You have proven yourself incapable of shouldering the fate of this country. You are Royalty, right?  And you still trying to select your own fiancée according to your own preferences? Your stupidity totally blows me away! Although you declared that you know of your own obligation towards the country, in reality, you don’t know anything about it at all! I am not trying to make you understand. And I am not going to talk any longer to an idiot. To have a political marriage to such a person does not make any sense, so I would like to withdraw from it. That’s all.”

The hall remained silent.

And with that, father and big brother’s shoulder began to shake as they tried to suppress their laughter; Yard nervously looked alternately between the two of them and me as he tried to decipher the atmosphere.

“In-insolent fellow!! Arrest and behead that person!”

The Prince began to cry out with a red face as he absorbed the meaning of my words.

Ma, I really did say some rude words, but it just could not be helped, right?

The moment I thought that a person who wore full-bodied black clothes appeared and stood in front of me.

His face was also covered with black clothes, but from the silhouette, it had to be Kagerou-san.

“If you put your dirty hands on our Hime-sama, then I will break your bastard’s bones first.”

Oioi, that was scary!!

I snuck behind Kagerou-san.

“That is unnecessary. None of them will be able to do anything.”


Kagerou-san looked at me in silence before quickly disappearing.

Even though I had said that it did not have any relationship with my family, it seemed to have been ignored.

Furthermore, after the shocking incident just now, the complexions of those who practice martial art had turned for the worse; even the son of the Captain of the Knights had collapsed.

As for the knights who attempted to capture me, their feet seemed to be stuck to the floor.

Hmm, the short sword Kagerou-san uses surely looks like those belonging to ninjas. As expected, the people in the intelligence unit are truly ninjas.

“J- just now…..”

“Do it if you dare.”

Please stop being unreasonable!”

It really is impossible, huh~ there is no salvation for his idiosyncrasy.

“Jayce, you are the one who is in the wrong.”

‘Imperial father!”

“Lady Cardinal, my son, has been rude to you, so is it possible for us to postpone this engagement?”

E~ postpone?.

Isn’t it better to go without it?

“I request that this engagement should not be continued at all!!”

My father also agreed with me.

My big brother also nodded in agreement.

“Don’t say such a thing. I really like Lady Cardinal, and I think that she is necessary for the sake of this country.”

“I agree.”

For some reason, the King and the Queen seem to have a favourable impression of me.

The expressions of my father and big brother turned bitter.

“I understand. I will keep postponing  this engagement until his highness the Prince becomes someone who can understand and value this country.”

“Cardinal, you should not force yourself to do the impossible.”

When I heard big brother’s argument, I could not help but smile.

“It is a postponement! If you do not like it next time, we will continue postponing the engagement, so you did not have to be worried about it.”


My father smiled in satisfaction.

[Please read at the original website or you can at least support me with some ko-fi]


Anyway, my engagement had failed.

All well that ends well.

“Prime Minister!”

When I arrived beside my father, a voice calling for my father had come from behind us.

“Former King. What is it?”

My father makes a disgusted expression.

This former King was the current King’s father.

It was the Prince’s Grandfather.

“Don- Don’t make such disgusting expression.”

“What do you want from me?”

“There is nothing that I need from you. Good afternoon, Ojou-chan.”

He- he is calling for me?

“Good afternoon….no, ano, what do you need of me….”

“Your daughter doesn’t seem to be like you at all.’

“Shut up.”

Otou-sama, please watch over your mouth.

“I am Gard. I would be in your care!”

“Wa~ yes. Gard-sama. I will also be in your care.”

E~ why should he be in my care?

“This is my son, Broudo.”

A handsome lad with black eyes and hair was standing behind Gard-sama.

His face was familiar to me as he resembled the Japanese.

“I am called Broudo.”

Broudo-sama lowered his head as I approached him.

For me to approach him, I wonder why the people surrounding me looked at me in surprise.

“I am known as Cardinal. I have already heard the rumours about you!  Broudo-sama, I would like to sit and have a talk with you.”

“Rumors, huh… what would you like to talk about?”

“I have heard that you are a good researcher, especially in regards to pharmaceutical, so I definitely want to have a conversation with you.”

As my tension was currently at the max, I forcefully grabbed Broudo-sama hand and swung it around.

“I am sorry. My daughter is currently interested in making medicine; she has read all the research papers you have written. However, you did not have permission to touch my angel.”

“Otou-sama, please stop calling me an angel outside because it’s super embarrassing.”

I made a pouty face as I reached and held onto my father’s arm.

“I did it unconsciously.”

“Please be mindful about it, Otou-sama.”

“Yes, yes.”

I clung to my father’s neck.

“Just who the heck are you!!?”

“Shut up.”

Father… that person is the former King, you know.

“Ano, about your hobby of making medicine…”

“It is okay. Everything was carefully formulated according to the measurement and temperature.”

I understand the concern that Broudo-sama tried to voice out.

“I have built a sterile room for my daughter.”

My father, this oya-Baka, was in full throttle.

“What kind of medicine have you been making?”

“I make simple medicine such as cold medicine and poultice.”

Broudo-sama, who had been keeping his silence for a while, began to talk.

“If you do not mind, would you please show me the place where you make those medicine?”

This person was royalty, but why did he use such polite language toward a child like me, I wonder?

“Please do come!! I have noted several questions in my notes. Could you please answer those for me?”

“That is, of course!!

He is such a nice person.

Broudo-sama is a super nice person!

In this way, I had shared a promise with Broudo-sama.


0 thoughts on “Akuyaku Reijō ttenani o Sureba Yoi nda kke? Chapter 7

  1. I’m so confused…. a few chapters in the beginning said she was a medical researcher, but this chapter is saying her major was in agriculture mostly related to rice??? And she somehow ended up working in a pharmaceutical company……. Why is this soo confusing??? Dx

    1. Well she is a researcher in a pharmaceutical company.. N her job is using tech to improve crop.. I did some research n find that some big pharmaceutical company do dabble in crop improvement such as breeding new seed etc.. Or the meaning might lose during the translation.. Sorry…

    2. It’s not that confusing really. Agriculture is quite closely related to pharmaceutical, making pesticide or medicine to treat plant sickness or improve the crop quality. Therefore, Agriculture researchers are required to possess at least some medical knowledge.

      In fact, some pharmaceutical company are closely related to agriculture company, including genetic improvement and all sort of crop related thing.

  2. Second the confusion
    Who the heck is broudo?
    Why does he look like her?
    Was the former king just thrown in there for no reason #confused

    1. he is prince’s uncle.
      he has black hair and black eyes because he from different mother.
      maybe because former king know that she can make medicine, he introduce his son who excel in medicine, so she still keep close with royalty.

  3. Talk that dimwit down Cardy!! That prince is annoying already and that former King’s son is cute ><

  4. This Broudo totally has nicer impression than his nephew. Maybe he is better candidate for Cardinal’s fiance rather than Jayce…

    Really love the overprotective family (let’s kill the prince ???)

    1. her father is the prime minister, if it wan’t for him the country would have collapsed already (or at least the king would have from all the paperwork)

      1. Still the behavior of this family is so out of the loop when come to master and servant relationships and more about this is king and his retainer , the minister family clearly showing they disrespect and they still dare said that the prince know nothing about…

      2. And I doubt that a country will collapse just cause some disrespect servants like them…If this was me(which is clearly not), I will beheaded this family and stuck they head on spears and let crowns gore they flesh out

          1. There will be someone replacing him of course they may can’t do the job well like him but like I said a country can’t just collapse cause one disrespect servant

        1. the new wife (The maid.. she is not titled “Queen” since she married the former King after he passed his reign to his son)… the former Queen (The mother of the current King) probably already dead…

  5. Thank you for the chapter~
    If Cardy doesn’t end with the black haired boy, I will be really disappointed.

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