July 27, 2024

The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse [ Fast Wear] Chapter 73

Author: 打字机N号

Chapter 73: Nation’s Husband 7

Host: Jiang Liu

Language: 89/100

Math: 27/100

English: 87/100

Chemistry: 35/100

Physics: 32/100

Biology: 42/100

History: 57/100

Geography: 27/100

Politics: 43/100

Music: 73/100

Art: 56/100

Sports: 63/100

Freely assignable points: 10

Evaluation: Ordinary people

This was Jiang Liu’s result which was scanned by 001 after it was temporarily loaded with the Xueba system. This is the result after Jiang Liu had absorbed the memory left by the previous hosts. If it was the original Jiang Liu, it was afraid that such an outcome would not even be possible.

“What is this freely assignable points?”

Jiang Liu looked at the freely assignable points on his personal panel and guessed that this could be used to add on each discipline. As the number of points increased, the ability to understand the subject will also increase. But from where did this freely assignable point came from?

“Freely assignable points can be freely assigned to any disciplines. The Xueba system will give away ten initial points when the user first loaded the system. Later, if you want to obtain freely assignable points, you need to complete the corresponding task given by the system.”

001 explained to Jiang Liu from the side.

“Add these ten freely assignable attribute points to Mathematics.”

Jiang Liu couldn’t bear to look at his mathematical attributes. He felt that if he searches for any junior high school student, they might be able to score better than him.

“Host should not devalue yourself. After you installed this system, host is only one step away from becoming a Xueba!”

001 cheered its’ host from the sidelines.

Jiang Liu just [Hehe]. He doesn’t want to be a Xueba. He just wants to learn mathematics well.

Anyway, the installed Xueba system was only an experiment for this particular world. Furthermore, there is no corresponding punishment for failing to complete the task anyway due to the additional points received. So Jiang Liu was particularly carefree, and there is no psychological burden at all to complete the task.

But it should be mention that this Xueba system is perfect. The independent learning space loaded by the system not only collects all the courses taught by the famous teacher in China. But it also capable of providing one-on-one tutoring in the form of virtual reproduction. Apart from that, in this learning space, the flow rate is different from the reality. One hour in real-world was equivalent to ten hours in the learning space. This 1:10 flow rate will enable Jiang Liu to improve his math scores in a short period quickly.

Not only that, Xueba system also refreshes three daily tasks every day, with different attribute points reward according to the difficulty of the task. This, in the end, formed a virtuous circle for its user.

Although he still needs to study by himself, compared to the pressure that Jiang Liu had before, this kind of learning condition was much better.

Because of the additional ten attribute points, Jiang Liu’s mathematical attribute has now been upgraded to (37/100). In one night, he finished daily task released by the Xueba system and was awarded a total of 6 attribute points which he added into the mathematics’ properties.

He had to admit that this attribute point is really going against the natural order. When Jiang Liu’s mathematics attribute was at 27, Jiang Liu found it challenging to learn mathematics. He must do the question repeatedly to understand the idea behind the solution. Yet, when his point reached 43, his logical ability has significantly improved.

Moreover, Jiang Liu discovered that doing tasks is not the only way that can improve his subject attributes. Even taking virtual classes and do some mathematics’ exercises can also improve the attribute values.

Thus, he did mathematics’ exercises continuously for the next 20 hours in the learning space, and his mathematical attribute point continued to increase by 1 point. Even then, only two hours had passed in the real world.

“I’m starting to envy the 004’s future host.”

Jiang Liu finally came out from the learning space. He had been studying for 20 hours straight. He did not feel dizzy, nor did his eyes strained from such activities. In fact, his physical strength was as abundant as before entering the space. Coincidentally, looking at the sudden improvement in learning ability after adding those free attribute points, Jiang Liu had a faint feeling of being addicted to answering test questions.

“Host, 001 is also a good system too.”

001: QAQ

001 suddenly felt a faint feeling of being rejected by its’ host.

“Okay, okay, okay, you are the best.”

Jiang Liu comforted the silly 001 for a while. He looked at the time on his watch. With a spurt of energy, he decided to study and do some more mathematics exercises for the next few hours. He should at least ensure that he could handle all the mathematics’ question for the first and second grades of Junior High school, ah.


The students in Class II of the 3rd grade were keenly aware of Jiang Liu’s changes.

The most intuitive manifestation is this daily Moments update in his circle of friend.

[Moment: A feature is WeChat. I guess similar to status in WhatsApp or your story in Instagram]

You know, before this semester, this classmate of theirs had kept on updating his Moments daily, telling everyone what is being grand and what is being rich. However, since the beginning of the semester, even though he still updating his Moments four or five times a day, the updated content has changed.

[Looking at the 2nd-grade Junior High school’s mathematics today, I have learned a lot]

Picture: 2nd grade’s mathematics book.jpg

[I did 100 mathematics questions today, but I still could not get it all right. Fortunately, my desk mate is a Xueba]

Picture: The elementary school god immersed herself in the problem.jpg

[Today the math test paper came out. I only got 43. I am ashamed. I will change this embarrassment to an encouragement. Next time I am determined to take a full score]

Picture: Comparison of his paper vs elementary school god test paper.jpg

Is this a new way to show off wealth? Everyone was suddenly stunned by Jiang Liu’s transformation

Of course, in addition to the melon seed-eating people who couldn’t figure out the real thoughts behind this grand deity classmate of their, some people also accepted Jiang Liu’s changes.

For example, this Xueba Gao Ruru, who was also his desk mate.

“Is this the 3rd-grade exam question?”

Gao Ruru looked at the topic handed by Jiang Liu to her to realize that it was the exam questions for the 3rd-grade junior high school. As a matter of course, she had already long finished with Junior High school and would not do such a low-level question.

“Well, because my foundation is not good, I plan to start reviewing the mathematics questions from the junior high school level. I can’t understand this question. I would like to ask you for help.”

Jiang Liu calmly handed the 3rd-grade math problem to Gao Ruru.

“Yes, that is a good move.”

Gao Ruru’s eyes were bent into two crescent moons. After she took over the paper, she patiently analyzed it for Jiang Liu.

Jiang Liu’s decision to start reviewing from the beginning made Gao Ruru felt his sincerity and recognized the positive changes made by this classmate of her.

“I will recommend a few books…”

After solving the problems, Gao Ruru started recommending several past year exam booklets. “These are the problem books for the junior high school level. They are classic problem types refined based on the junior high school’s mathematics’ syllabus. After you cleared this book, your understanding of junior high school mathematics will also suffice.”

Afraid that Jiang Liu could not remember the title of the books, Gao Ruru especially wrote the title of several books on a paper before she handed it to him.

“My cousin is in the fifth grade this year and has already started studying Junior High school mathematics in advance. These are all the title that I had especially searched for him before. I have done every exercise in these books. I hope it will be helpful to you.”

When Gao Ruru handed the paper to Jiang Liu, her smile was extremely pure.

In fact, she didn’t need to say the first half of the sentence. Jiang Liu’s heart was bleeding. He was a few hundred years old, and yet he has the same learning progress as a fifth-grade boy. This is too shameful, ah.

The pure elementary school god didn’t know that her words had accidentally hurt the old man in Jiang Liu, and continued to immerse herself in solving mathematics’ question.

Another person who realized Jiang Liu’s changes was Xiao Changming. In the previous math class, Jiang Liu either lowered his head to play with his mobile phone or slept on the table. He never listens to the lecture.

Now it’s different. The young man listens to his lectures with his back straightened up every day with great energy.

Whether he understood it or not, at least his attitude is good.

Perhaps, because he felt Jiang Liu’s determination, Xiao Changming was very fond of asking him to get up and answer questions when he was in class. At first, he couldn’t answer any questions. Later, his learning progress gradually kept up. Jiang Liu was slowly able to answer some questions. These changes were apparent in Xiao Changming’s eyes.

There is no teacher but dislikes a serious child, and Xiao Changming was no exception.

Especially this serious child was exceptionally stubborn and disobedient in the beginning. For him to be able to teach Jiang Liu and guided him on the right path, it gave Xiao Changming an uncommon sense of accomplishment.

Soon, one and a half months after the start of school, the whole school ushered in the first monthly exam.

What Jiang Liu cared about the most was the math test. When he got the paper, he scanned the test paper and then patiently worked through it.

The last question of the multiple-choice question was particularly complicated. Jiang Liu decided to skip this question for now and continued to the next one.

The overall question this time was not difficult. Until the last question, Jiang Liu only encountered trouble with the last multiple-choice question, the second-to-last question of the short question, and the last sub-question of the last question of the short question’s section.

There were another 50 minutes until the end of the exam. Jiang Liu is patient. He started to backtrack and solved the remaining problem along the way.

When the exam bell rang, Jiang Liu had filled the entire paper, but he still couldn’t guarantee that the answers were correct.


Sure enough, the learning time was too short. Even if there was a ten-fold increase of time in the learning space, he still couldn’t completely digest all the mathematical knowledge in one month and a half.

Seeing the mathematical attributes that have risen to (78/100) on his personal panel, Jiang Liu sighed.

Gao Jin, who followed him out of the examination room, thought that Jiang Liu had failed the exam, so he patted him on the shoulder to comfort his friend: “It’s been more than a month. Isn’t your performance in class these days very good? That old Xiao hasn’t scolded you much nowadays. I think you can pass the exam this time. Maybe when uncle see that your grades have improved, he will no longer ban your credit card after this.”

Gao Jin thought that Jiang Liu’s changes were due to his pocket money.

Jiang Liu silently glanced at Gao Jin

What he wanted was a full mark. Indeed, as expected, a student with a poor score will not understand the pursuit of the student with an excellent score.


“Today, I want to praise a classmate.”

 Xiao Changming stood on the teaching podium. The math test papers for the monthly test were corrected quickly, and they were returned on the second day after the end of the test period.

Holding a paper in his hand, he looked at the students in the class.

“Jiang Liu, who can believe that he only scored 54 points at the end of last semester?”

This is a math paper with a score of 120. The score is above average, even in an affiliated school full of excellent students.

“Damn, beast!”

Before Jiang Liu responded, Gao Jin couldn’t help but cry out.

Jiang Liu told him that they would be a learning scum together, but Jiang Liu secretly became a Xueba, and he had tasted the feeling of being betrayed by a good buddy.

Fancy that he still comforted him when he was downcast at the end of the test. If he could come out with this kind of score, why the hell did he need to sigh so exaggeratedly, ah?

“Gao Jin, you stand up for me. Who is a beast? Guess what score did you took this time? 62 points! You have given me 62 points for such a simple paper, and I haven’t scolded you yet for it!”

Gou Jin could not help but feel that this passage was very familiar. He had heard it somewhere.

Gao Jin was downcast under the teacher’s berate. He was so aggrieved like a puppy being left in the rain. The author has something to say: I’ve checked the information. The National High School Mathematics League Exam is generally held on the second Sunday in September. Thus, the plot needs to be changed here.  

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