July 27, 2024

Adorable Villain: Male God, I’m not Trying to Rob You Chapter 244

Chapter 244: Villainous Bestie (4) Author:妹纸爱吃肉 There were not many people on the playground during the recreational time between classes. Yet,  many people saw it when Xia Beibei shot at Xu Yufei. In this world, most people like to watch the fun and do not think it is a big deal to do so. Hence, […]

Adorable Villain: Male God, I’m not Trying to Rob You Chapter 243

Chapter 243: Villainous Bestie (3) Author:妹纸爱吃肉 When Xia Beibei arrived at the classroom, quite a few people were already there. Seeing Xia Beibei’s figure, two girls who were close to Wu Yan immediately gathered around to gossip—— “Wu Yan, Wu Yan, I heard that Jian Yi invited you to go out to sea today!” “Wu […]

Adorable Villain: Male God, I’m not Trying to Rob You Chapter 242

Chapter 242: Villainous Bestie (2) Author:妹纸爱吃肉 It was past one o’clock in the morning when Xia Beibei returned to Wu Yan’s apartment. As soon as she opened the door, Wu Meili’s voice came from the room: “Why did you come back so early today, girl?” “Don’t mention it!” Xia Beibei closed the door and looked […]

Adorable Villain: Male God, I’m not Trying to Rob You Chapter 241

Chapter 241: Villainous Bestie (1) Author:妹纸爱吃肉 T/N: Hi guys, I am back!! Happy CNY, by the way. How about some Ang Pao for me~ _(: 3」∠)_  This was the first time Xia Beibei entered the mission world without knowing the plot. As soon as she became conscious after entering Wu Yan’s body, she felt a […]

The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse [ Fast Wear] Chapter 173

Author: 打字机N号 Chapter 173: Zombie King 5 “Do you think that our village is going to be demolished? That cannot be right. Even if our village was going to be demolished, those houses were still under their name. They would not receive a penny less just because they did not reside here. As for that […]

The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse [ Fast Wear] Chapter 172

Author: 打字机N号 Chapter 172: My Profession is Zombie King 4 T/N: I forgot to mention it last time. Thank Hweianime for the donation. Much appreciated!!! “Sister!” Chi Ruoyu, who was pushing a cart full of express delivery, fished for her key when the door was suddenly opened from the inside, revealing her sister, whom she […]

Adorable Villain: Male God, I’m not Trying to Rob You Chapter 240

Chapter 240: Intermission 11:  Free plot mission Author:妹纸爱吃肉 T/N Hey, it’s my birthday today! I would be so happy if you could support me with some ko-fi. I will resume adorable villain on January 2022 When leaving the villa, Uncle Yu helped Xia Beibei put a large bag of Hong Kong souvenirs into her suitcase. Of […]

Adorable Villain: Male God, I’m not Trying to Rob You Chapter 239

Chapter 239: Intermission 10:  Trip to Hong Kong 5 Author:妹纸爱吃肉 T/N Hey, it’s my birthday today! I would be so happy if you could support me with some ko-fi. Mo Feng and Yan Yicheng kept talking in the study until late at night. Xia Beibei did not know what they were talking about. After eating and […]

Adorable Villain: Male God, I’m not Trying to Rob You Chapter 238

Chapter 238: Intermission 9:  Trip to Hong Kong 4 Author:妹纸爱吃肉 T/N Hey, it’s my birthday today! Presenting the confession arc~ I would be so happy if you could support me with some ko-fi. These are the final three chapters for today. Enjoy. I will be focusing on Analect for this month~ The next day, Xia Beibei […]

Adorable Villain: Male God, I’m not Trying to Rob You Chapter 237

Chapter 237: Intermission 8:  Trip to Hong Kong 3 Author:妹纸爱吃肉 T/N Hey, it’s my birthday today! Presenting the confession arc~ I would be so happy if you could support me with some ko-fi. Hong Kong night was gorgeous and colourful. Yan Yicheng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the villa’s top floor, looking at […]